Village Hall Matters
Firstly, a change of Chair. John Gough made the decision recently to step down from this position and we are pleased to confirm that Kris Dickens is now Chair of the Village Hall Committee.
Our grateful thanks to John for his commitment whilst in the role.
On Saturday 4th March we held another very successful Bingo Night. Thanks to Geoff for doing the calling, to Michelle for being his able assistant, to Ali for sorting refreshments - and to everyone who came along to support the event.
Future Events -
Saturday 8th April - daytime - Easter Egg Hunt for children and adults!
Sunday 7th May - Coronation Street Party - can anyone willing to get involved in helping with tis event, please contact Diana Kirby on 07765644704 in first instance. We would like this t be a community-led event if possible.
Saturday 10th June - Quiz and Nibbles Night
SAVE THE DATE - Saturday 26th August - we are hoping to organise a Beer/Cider/Sausage Fest!
POSSIBLE IDEAS FOR THE FUTURE - Antiques Roadshow - have your old prize possessions valued.
We thought that it would be a good idea to produce a Village Calendar. So every month - the best photo for that month will be selected for that month's entry in 2024. Please start sending your photos to Jon Battista at
More details about all events will follow. Just watch this space